Сконпелирововший левый подлокотнек лохотрона (в том смысле что контпозицею New Day) ветеран епононигерского двеженея, ниньзя и просто репер слеш октер был в кетае но сьемках кеноленты про РОЗСЕЛА КРОУ (зерозерозерозеро) когда елюменаторы потребоволе хек-бенты. Цетируем.
Kanye asked me to send tracks while they were in Australia. I just thought I would send some shit that would be rugged. I know they can find the poppy, hip-hop places, but I wanted to send them some real edgy shit. Apparently they thought they were great – Kanye said, 'Send some more of that Wu shit!
In the past, when Jay-Z did Best of Both Worlds with R. Kelly, I thought it was a great album but the campaign went south because of personalities. With this project, it's the best of many worlds. These two guys have a great chemistry and a great relationship. I'm excited.
Конец цетаты.