Common Speaks On "Ghetto Dreams"

Лоней поведол поподробносте про олтскульный терахек синглей с обкоменг ольтбома The Dreamer, The Believer полностью про дюсерумовового деоном. Цетируемн.

That was the first song we did for the album. No ID said, 'I got something for you.' He played that beat, I was like, 'Oh, shit.' I kind of hopped into it, like a zone, a character almost [while] writing it. It was just so raw, something like '95, but new sounding. Then he put up this Nas vocal [sample] going, 'Ghetto dreams,' and then I was like, 'Oh shit.'

I decided to write about ghetto dreams just in a way that was raw. I almost approached it like I was a character because I don't smoke cigarettes and blah, blah, blah. But I still was talking abut those things 'cause it's like, if I step in the shoes of myself and my other friends and people that just dream about higher things coming from a tougher place. I told it in respect to the relationship I got with my lady, it's ill. It's not a love song or none of that; it's just raw. It's ill lyrics man, I'm telling you.

Once Nas heard that — No ID played it for them 'cause they was working — and Nas was like, 'I'll get on that,' And Nas is my favorite MC, so that was a blessing.

Про ковернт (продолжаем цетировонть):

We was at a Fat Joe video, I think. Two young MCs, young dudes, just real young cats, one from Chicago, one from Queens that just ended up reconnecting and connecting and always being cool. I ain't going to say 'reconnected,' 'cause every time me and Nas always would chop it up, I felt like we was two musicians that really just loved and respected each other, two voices that really mean something to the culture and respect the culture. So, we always had on a personal level just a respect for each other.

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