Бывший хороший музекант о ныне експерт в области политики переживаент что росист и лжец трамп розрушит все что построел обама (боскетбольную площадку в белом доме), розсуждаент как будент сопротевлятсо режиму, желаент скорого выздоровленея НЛК и еще там.
You were outspoken in your opposition to Trump. What are your thoughts in the wake of his victory?
It's a bit of a challenge 'cause we don't know who he is all the time. He's been consistent about being a racist and about a couple of other things, but he's also been wildly inconsistent and lied a lot. So we truly don't know how he's gonna govern. We haven't seen anyone like him before. It's a very kind of different world now, knowing that someone's going to possibly dismantle a lot of what Obama accomplished. I don't know where we're going to go.
Kanye West is a longtime friend and collaborator of yours. What do you make of his hospitalization?
This is a very difficult life and a difficult business. I don't want to try to play pop psychologist, so I'm not gonna try to analyze what's happening with him. I just want him to do whatever he needs to do to feel better and to feel like he's ready to go again, because music needs him. The world needs him. I think he's such an important talent. We need him at full strength. How do you balance everything you do – acting, producing, music, fatherhood?
You start with knowing what's most important to you. My family is most important and then second is music. My music career is the reason I have the power to do everything else. There's a lot of power in celebrity. I obviously use it to sell my own projects and produce TV, and, you know, I use it to get reservations at restaurants too [laughs]. But you try to use it for something that'll benefit the world too.
What do you think the role of artists, specifically, needs to be in the Trump era?
Paul Robeson said that artists are the gatekeepers of truth. And Nina Simone said we're supposed to reflect the times. So we have to be ready to tell the truth and reflect what's going on. We've gone through some really dark periods in this country. You can't trivialize them, because they cost people their lives, but we have made progress since those times, and even when we go backward, there's definitely an opportunity for us to go forward again. We just have to be vigilant and get through this, and then hopefully it'll be over soon.