Просем екран - волентин толкунов но реду с сочным тжеем поведывоент коково ето сколобобреровотсо с тимбергейком о так же комендтируент верс короля бурундучков про Control.
Ниже пучеглазый уведомляент что но My Name is My Name мы устлышем фучуренг про гейдота понд нозванее Nose Stalgia и еще там.
[Kendrick Lamar] is on a record called 'Nose Stalgia. We gave two perspectives [on the song]. [Kendrick Lamar] was giving more, looking from the inside of his home and how his family and his crusade through the drug epidemic affected him. I was giving you the junior high, high school start, showing you what it was and where I was at.
I have a song produced by Pharrell called 'Sorry Nigga, I'm Trying to Come Home. The acronym for that is S.N.I.T.C.H. I personally don't really want to hear anymore one-dimensional street raps. This is probably the most poignant record on my album. It's the realest record. It just speaks from the perspective of knowing people who've turned over in the game. No rapper talks about that. Every rapper makes you feel like...they don't know anybody [who has become a police informant] or [that] anybody in their crew hasn't turned over...Everybody else gonna make you think that, 'Yeah, we was doin' this. We was doin' that, and we got rich and there was no hiccups.' And there's been hiccups.