Amber Rose Responds To Kanye West

Енбер ровз оповещаент что постле овтотюненгововой серенады НЛК она прощаент нигера зо то что вытощел ее с помойки в месте с лестбоподругоме и всеме родственекоме. Ета простетутка вобще оборзела! Цетируем.

I’ll say this—I didn’t even know about it. This is my 50th interview today and every single person has asked me, and it made me go see what the hell they were talking about, because I don’t keep up on the current events of Kanye. I just don’t look him up.

A lot of is just negativity and I don’t like to bring that energy into my life. But I did look at it and he said that, he said um, “When I said that I didn’t like your dress, I was an asshole. When I said that I didn’t like your hair, I was an asshole.”

And he was an asshole. He was. I feel like he gets that now, and he’s remorseful about being an asshole to me.

But he called me an incredible person, and I take that as an apology. And if it was an apology, I forgive him for being an asshole. I don’t hold any grudges. I don’t hate him. I want him to find a girl and for him to treat her better than he treated me.

The next girl, she doesn’t deserve that. I found pure happiness with Wiz. Why wouldn’t I want that for Kanye? I want everyone to have that, to feel the way I feel about Wiz.

Конец цетировонея.

ОБДЕЙТ: Но екране енбер желаент НЛК здоровья в личной жизне.


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