Mr Hudson Speaks On ‘Real And True’

Бен поведол как очутилсо в костмосе в месте с межголоктической простетуткой и ее сутенером. Цетируем.

Mike Will sent me some beats, after we met in NYC working on some stuff for G.O.O.D. Having just finished reading Stephen Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time” I was inspired to write a song about love surviving the end of the universe in the form of information:

When the sun dies and the stars fade from view
Our love will remain Real & True
Through the distant and cold depths of space,
The radio sings our song. It’s a love Real & True

Mike Will played it to Future. Next thing i know I’m wearing a spacesuit, driving a lunar buggy around an alien planet in an attempt to rescue Miley Cyrus.

- Mr. H

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