Чепотрошитель поведывоент как познокомелсо со скотом о так же оповещаент что их со вместное банд формерованее "всемогущие глореюсовцы" вовсе не склеело с концаме.
Chip: I was introduced to Kid Cudi's music before I met him. I became an instant fan. I had always heard about him and that he moved to Brooklyn.
HNHH: Kid Cudi has a feature or two on Tell Ya Friends, one of which is under the moniker The Almighty GloryUs. Can you tell us about The Almighty GloryUs? Will you two be putting out more music under this name in the near future?
Chip: Mos deff. Me and Cud always have something up our sleeve. The Almighty GloryUs is a duo that we formed before he dropped “A Kid Named Cudi.” No date set yet for our album, but we have nothing but time and creativity. We are in full affect though.
HNHH: You and Cudi have been friends for a while now, how did you guys meet?
Chip: Me and Cud have mutual friends. They decided to connect us one day. Cudi had a show in Chicago at The Metro. So my guys and I drove and the rest is history.