Значет так.
Наш любимый кеневест решил перенезсти выхонд ольтбома про кеневеста с овгуста но 11 септендбря - одно времено с выхондом ольтбома про фифтенга. Вот тогда то мы и увидем кто здесь педенг и у кого будент зрительскей емунетент (но лобном месте).
Кстанте норкоман фифтенг уже устпел не пременуть и сообщил что он не собераетсо выпрашевонть емунетенты у ксюши и передвеганть релизенг в зад, а кеневест просто хочент попеаретсо зо счет его яркосте.
50 Cent recently revealed he will not change his September 11th release date, even as Kanye West’s highly anticipated album is scheduled to drop on the same day.
50’s third album Curtis is scheduled for release on September 11th, the same date as Kanye West’s third album Graduation. During a Hot 97 interview with Funkmaster Flex, 50 revealed that he has no plans of making any changes to the new release date.
"I hope that they see and understand what’s getting ready to happen," 50 told Funkmaster Flex on the air.
"I’m not moving. I’m coming September 11th. If Kanye comes that day, then he comes that day. That’d be great if he actually stays in that date. I think his people are smart. I think he’s smart, too. And I think they’ll move. But I’m coming September 11th. I’m not going to move… Jay’s not gonna let that happen anyway. He’s not gonna leave him there."
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кеневест протев фифтенга - что будент? | Kanye West Vs 50 Cent On 9-11 Album Release Date
Автор : Perajok on
22 July 2007
50 cent,
kanye west